Informed Consent Violations in medical negligence in Dublin

Informed consent is a fundamental ethical principle in healthcare, ensuring that patients have the right to make informed decisions about their medical treatment. It is a cornerstone of patient autonomy and the physician-patient relationship. However, there have been cases where this critical principle has been violated, leading to medical negligence claims in Dublin, Ireland. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of informed consent, the legal framework surrounding it, and instances where violations have resulted in medical negligence cases in Dublin.

Understanding Informed Consent


Informed consent is the process through which a patient is provided with comprehensive information about a medical procedure or treatment, including its risks, benefits, and alternatives. It empowers patients to make decisions regarding their healthcare based on a clear understanding of the potential consequences. Informed consent requires that healthcare providers:

  1. Clearly communicate information: Physicians must ensure that patients receive information in a language they understand, avoiding medical jargon or complex terminology.
  2. Discuss alternatives: Patients must be informed about available treatment options and their potential risks and benefits.
  3. Assess patient comprehension: Physicians should confirm that patients have understood the information provided and are capable of making a rational decision.
  4. Obtain voluntary consent: Patients must freely agree to the proposed treatment without any coercion or pressure.

Legal Framework in Dublin

In Ireland, informed consent is governed by a combination of common law and statutory provisions. The landmark case of Dunne v. National Maternity Hospital (1989) established that doctors have a legal duty to disclose material risks to patients. Subsequent cases, such as Rogers v. Whitaker (1992), emphasized the importance of providing information even if the risks are small but significant to the patient.

The Supreme Court of Ireland clarified the legal standards for informed consent in the case of Fleming v. Ireland (2013). It affirmed that doctors must provide patients with information regarding potential risks that a reasonable person, in the patient’s position, would likely consider significant.

In Dublin, the Medical Council’s Guide to Professional Conduct and Ethics for Registered Medical Practitioners provides additional guidance to healthcare professionals regarding informed consent. It reinforces the importance of clear communication and respect for patient autonomy.

Instances of Informed Consent Violations

While informed consent is a well-established principle, violations can and do occur. In Dublin, as in other parts of the world, medical negligence cases involving informed consent violations have made headlines and led to legal actions. Here are a few examples:

  1. Surgical Procedures: Patients have filed lawsuits after undergoing surgeries without being adequately informed about potential complications or alternative treatments.
  2. Medication and Treatment Plans: Some patients have claimed that they were not properly informed about the side effects of medications or the long-term implications of certain treatment plans.
  3. Experimental Procedures: Cases have arisen where patients were not aware that they were participating in experimental procedures without their informed consent.
  4. Lack of Adequate Information: Patients have argued that healthcare providers failed to explain the risks and benefits of a procedure or treatment adequately, leaving them unaware of the potential consequences.

Consequences of Informed Consent Violations

When informed consent violations lead to medical negligence, the consequences can be devastating for patients. They may experience:

  1. Physical and Emotional Harm: Patients may suffer physical injuries or emotional trauma due to treatments they did not fully understand or agree to.
  2. Loss of Trust: Informed consent violations erode trust in the healthcare system, making patients hesitant to seek medical care in the future.
  3. Financial Burden: Patients may incur additional medical expenses or require further treatments to address complications resulting from the initial procedure.
  4. Legal Proceedings: In some cases, patients pursue legal action against healthcare providers, seeking compensation for the harm they suffered.

Preventing Informed Consent Violations

To prevent informed consent violations and subsequent medical negligence cases, healthcare providers in Dublin should:

  1. Establish Clear Protocols: Develop clear protocols for obtaining informed consent, ensuring that all necessary information is provided to patients.
  2. Training and Education: Train healthcare professionals in effective communication and the principles of informed consent.
  3. Standard of Care: Emphasize patient-centered care, respecting the individual choices and preferences of patients.
  4. Documentation: Maintain accurate records of the informed consent process, including the information provided, discussions with the patient, and signed consent forms.
  5. Legal Support: Whenever there is a potentiality of informed consent in medical negligence and requires for claiming compensation, we suggest you to consult with related solicitors.


Informed consent is a vital component of ethical and legal medical practice in Dublin. Violations of this principle can result in medical negligence cases, harming patients physically, emotionally, and financially. It is incumbent upon healthcare providers to uphold the highest standards of informed consent to protect the well-being and autonomy of their patients. Additionally, continuous education and awareness are crucial to improving the healthcare system and preventing future violations of this essential principle.

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